I travelled across continents and met people with different culture, language etc. But I never had to lose my identity to fit it anywhere.
Do you really have to wear their kind of outfits even though you don’t like it?
Do you really have to start drinking alcohol?
Do you really have to change your food habits?
Definitely BIG NO.
People are really confused what culture to follow when they move and settle in abroad.
Is the one where you grown up with or the one you currently living in?
They are paranoid that they might not fit in or not welcomed if they don’t do these things.
One of my friends asked me,
"What’s the best cocktail you have tried in London?
No, I never tried anything.
She shocked and said,
you are in London and not trying any cocktails? That’s weird. This is the time you can try these things. "
There is nothing to be shocked about.
First of all,
I came to London to work for a company. not to taste variety of cocktails.
I never wanted to and no one forced me. They respected my principles and values.
Most of the team outing, farewell, celebrations happen in a bar. You jus have to order a fruit juice and enjoy the conversations.
These are the social gatherings where you get to meet new people and increase your network.
Since you don’t drink you might be paranoid to join in. But it is not. Just don’t miss them just because you don’t drink.
You follow your own culture and embrace their culture in your own way. So you are “YOU'R” wherever in the world.
Do what you like and what is right for your conscience.
If you like their culture, yes follow it. But just don’t force to fit in.
People think we can do anything if we are outside our country and everything will be vanished once you are in your country.
But it doesn’t. First be true to yourself.
Don’t hide , cover you under the fake culture. Live your life in your own style.